Allopathic and natural world increasingly walk together

Natural medicine, herbs, homeopathy and herbal medicine have been used forever for all mankind. Today are amplified and use more and more allopathic doctors who are also in this world a solution for their patients. But beware, natural does not mean harmless, although there is increasing evidence of its effectiveness, we must be careful with the interaction between different drugs.
For six years is done in our country the International Congress of Complementary Medicine. An opportunity for natural and conventional doctors share information and experiences. This sixth edition will be held on 16 and 17 October at the Great Hall of the Faculty of Medicine, University of Chile.

One of the organizers of this event is the academician of the Institute of Biomedical Sciences, Dr. Ernesto Vega. From your perspective today in Chile there is openness to other drugs that is not conventional. "This has been ratified, even at ministerial level with the promulgation of decrees and government regulations that recognize the existence of complementary medicine and determine how it should be taught and practiced correctly, which was unthinkable a few years ago."

Even more and more physicians receive training in their knowledge about natural medicine and since last year, at least the students of the School of Medicine of the University of Chile have a bunch of Phytotherapy.

"The conviction that our conventional medicine can be enriched with the wisdom and vision of the ancestral, always to the benefit of the patient, makes us move forward in this great annual outreach project," said Vega.

PLANTS are not innocuous

Another academic who participate in this international seminar is the president of the Chilean Society of Phytotherapy and Associate Professor of Pharmacology at the home of Bello, Miguel Morales.

According to him, the massification of homeopathy, herbal medicine and herbal use has made people lose sight that these therapies also have side effects and mixed with allopathic medicines, can have dire consequences for health. "People in general are very poorly informed about drug interactions, whether allopathic or natural," so it is necessary to take precautions, told La Nacion.

Therefore, recommended to account to the attending physician of herbal medicinal products or herbs that are being consumed or consume to think he evaluates the interaction.

For example, in the case of cholesterol-lowering treatment, many patients in addition to other conventional remedies natural, which can increase side effects such as dizziness or stomach problems.

Something similar happens if in addition to antidepressants or anxiolytics prescribed by the psychiatrist, adds other natural medicines such as valerian or passiflora: increases sleepiness. "The judging how useful is the combination of medicines should be the physician," he said.

The St. John's Wort is another common natural treatments that have interaction with allopathic. Mixed with antivirals, antidepressants and even contraceptives, can also have negative consequences.

In the latter case, can lead to lower hormone levels in the blood revoking contraceptive therapy.


The properties of honey, royal jelly and propolis teeth reached. No longer just about products for the treatment of disorders of the throat or skin, mouth and teeth also will witness the benefits of this product. According to scholar and researcher at the Universidad de La Frontera, Pharm.D Luis Salazar, of bee products is "can highlight antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, anticancer, antifungal, antiparasitic, antiviral and antibacterial properties, among others."

In fact, we have evaluated the antibacterial activity of Ulmo honey on microorganisms causing nosocomial infections and digestive diseases.

The honey has shown its efficiency in the treatment of burns and gastric ulcers and sores.

Propolis in gingivitis, periodontitis and tooth decay.

In fact, thanks to the antibacterial properties of propolis are working in a toothpaste that contains in its formulation. "I can not give further details because the formulation is in the process of patenting," Salazar said but added that the new product provides an important scientific support and probably next year is already in the market.

SPA: NOT JUST RELAX, also heal

From Spain and Argentina will participate in the seminar two specialists who have experience in treating skin diseases and rheumatic using thermal waters and mud.

The secretary general of the Latin American Society of Psoriasis, Dr. Javier Ubogui is dermatologist and know the benefits of hydrotherapy in cases of psoriasis.

For this inflammatory skin disease that affects 2 to 3% of the population, the baths were recognized as a complementary tool for health in 1986 by WHO. "The use of water mineralomedicinales and its products (sludge, fumes) provides a complementary option to natural and nontoxic different therapeutic regimens," he said. Is that "different minerals, the pH-acidity and temperature, are individually and in association actions on tissues". It has been tested and functional changes in the mechanism that produces inflammation and even that the antimicrobial action of water and mud also strengthen the effects on the vasculature.

The doctor and medical director of the Medical Service of provincial provincial body of Termas del Neuquén, Argentina, Ana Maria Monastery, which applies in rheumatic ailments.

"The benefit osteoarticular pathologies water therapy, mud therapy, respiratory diseases with inhalation therapy, gargles, especially sulphurous vapors, the dermatological therapies sulfur or chlorinated water and algae treatments of digestive hydroponic" he said.

Is that the hot springs act as painkillers, sedatives and muscle relaxants among others. "As mechanical benefits can be added to improve venous return, increases flexibility, reduces the resistance movement," said Abbey.

There are also no medical contraindications with age.

"In Argentina it has begun conducting numerous research studies, resource studies and their clinical applications concerning the analgesic effects termomineromedicinal treatment in patients with osteoarthritis, treatment or clinical experience in patients with Dx termomineromedicinal Psoriasis" forward .


Tea is one of the most consumed beverage in our country. Chileans (and Chilean especially) are taken almost 320 cups a year, in fact more than 10 thousand tons of this herb which is used annually.

According to Dr. Alfonso Valenzuela, biochemical and D.Sc. Institute of Nutrition and Food Technology (INTA), tea is more than good health. "They attribute many benefits, but the main point to the effect of preventing oxidative stress," which is responsible for various diseases.

According to the epidemiological history, tea helps prevent cardiovascular disease as well as some types of cancer, the latter demonstrating in animal experiments in vitro.