Well, it all started a while before my birthday.
Met 25, and a few weeks before had begun to notice a spot above the tooth that is between the canine and the palette. There was a cavity, the gum was .... I did not know it was, and it scared me, but let it go.
It was my birthday, and organize a party. Not a good time. I wanted to laugh in any photo, in fact did not want me teeth in the mirror.
The day after the party, I went to the emergency dentist. I attended a very good dentist, reassure me much, I mean the problem superficially, and I took a few mouthfuls (10 vol peroxide mixed with 2/3 parts of water, and then Plac-Out-digluconate-) and I suggested to visit my dentist.
There was the first problem unrelated to the disease, but that directly affect: the health service of social work in Argentina. My social work ... leaves much to be desired, the turn closest they gave me a month and a half (when the dentist had said it was an emergency). The only alternative was to assist me with another dentist, a bloodthirsty interested only in doing root canals that I had attended before.
Finally, turn and went pedi stunned.
I had researched the internet before everything I could get to be happening, and the only thing I periodontitis remained was "receding gums, tooth loss."
I wanted to die.
He wanted to be in the shoes of anyone else who saw in the street.
I have 25 years, not entiendia as rumored to bring the disease he had discovered that afternoon. In order.
I take the subway, and headed back with tears in her eyes.
I called some friends who did not understand very well what it was, and tried to help in the best way, but have not been successful.
I got home and collapsed.
I was sure he would lose in weeks entire dentition (was wrong!)
My family helped me and got me an appointment with other dentistry, which was two days later.
Arrives to the consultation was the suburban office-live in the suburbs, without many appliances, where she attended alone.
I arrived, he treated me very well and I calm down.
Just look at my mouth, I touch my teeth with your fingers looking mobility, and released their verdict: "Sebastian, you do not have periodontitis. What you have, is an inflammation-gingivitis-aggravated by the crowding of your teeth, but do not worry that one limpiza solved calculus ".
I left with a huge sonrrisa, and a serial radiography order - in which an X-ray is taken of each tooth in the mouth.
That was a Thursday, and Friday rest. By the way, I work downtown and my job is very demanding, not much time left for me, but hey, rest on Friday with the hope that dentistry that was wrong, that everything would be cleaned more than good.
Activity week, and Wednesday, 8 days after the first verdict, find the tiebreaker.
I went to the guard at the Faculty of Dentistry at the University of Buenos Aires, where I attended immediately. Just wanted to guard this dentistry, UBA told me that I had nothing, and go quiet. Not so.
After a very good treatment referred me to a periodontist to see me, because I was 80% sure that it was the disease. Two days later I went to the guard.
I met a Colombian dentist, I "spike" gum .... It did not hurt much, almost nothing, was more of a nuisance than it felt. And he confirmed the verdict, had periodontitis.
There if I wanted to throw down a train. Saw other patients and miss only think I could come to have teeth that I generated a terrible fear.
Ahi referred me to another dentist, Tucumano. I use this hotel, I asked the serial - which had not yet taken-and there would have a certain verdict.
A vezconseguida the serial I saw him.
If you see my teeth in the front and bottom, middle teeth will look much less gum than the rest. He was worried about those teeth, not the Above.
Anyway, saw the series, and gave me a veredito: mild to moderate periodontitis.
According find out there are several levels, mild moderate, severe, or something similar depending on where you look.
This tucumano dentist referred me to another dentistry, that I was going to perform the treatment. It was the sixth dentist who saw in less than 2 weeks. was canzado, but would begin treatment.