Home Remedies ... Juice and basic drinks

"For every disease is always good patience," says the proverb, and when evil is chronic, but there are drugs that act slowly, can cure the evil in the bud.
This week we'll talk about vegetables that can be consumed in juice or smoothie to heal common ailments:

Alfalfa. Alfalfa is rich in chlorophyll. Help in cases of body malodor, respiratory problems. Helps eliminate harmful phlegm and mucus in the body. It is excellent in cases of sinusitis. Combined with lemon and a little honey as you can drink fresh water.

Asparagus. Asparagus has nutrients lost when it is cooked. For best utilization can be consumed in juice combined with carrot. Asparagus juice helps in cases of kidney problems, anemia and diabetes. This juice helps break the crystals of uric acid in the body so it is excellent in cases of gout, rheumatism and neuritis.

Beets (Beet). The beets help in everything that has to do with blood. It is excellent in cases of anemia. For menstrual problems, a third of a cup (two to three ounces) of beet juice a day is excellent to regulate the menstrual cycle. The same amount of juice a day helps combat the symptoms of menopause more effectively than synthetic hormones. It also helps to detoxify the liver, lymphatic system and also heal chronic constipation.

Carrot. This juice can only be taken indefinitely. Used to alkalize the body and regulate the immune system. Helps keep bones in good shape and teeth. When a woman is breastfeeding, carrot juice provides multiple vitamins and improves the quality of their milk without making you gain weight. During pregnancy, this juice prevents puerperal infection problems at the time of birth. In cases of ulcer and cancer conditions, the carrot is a natural solvent that helps repair tissues and remove toxins. It is excellent in vision problems, sinusitis, tonsillitis and respiratory organs.

Celery. Celery juice can be taken in or combined with lemon and honey, can be taken as fresh water. People who have taken every morning before breakfast for four or more months, have found that regulates weight and appetite calming to remineralize the body. Celery is high in magnesium, which helps to calm the nervous system and stabilize blood pressure and prevent heart problems.

Cucumber. This is perhaps the best diuretic that nature offers. Use to eliminate retained fluids by others as friendly and no side effects. It is beneficial in rheumatism problems, high blood pressure and gum problems (pyorrhea) and sensitive teeth.

It promotes the growth of hair and nails and help skin problems like rashes. It can be taken as juice or fresh water.

Before implementing this or any other home remedy, consult your doctor. Questions, comments: 7271 Garden Grove Blvd Unit E, Garden Grove, CA 92841. By email: consulta@doctoraconsejos.com and by fax at (714) 274-7199. Check the Dictionary of Herbal Remedies in www.DoctoraConsejos.com