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» Magical healing properties of aloe
Magical healing properties of aloe
Since the dawn of civilization, this multiple curative plant, was also considered magical by the bad vibes away and even considered him "good luck" in many countries.
Supports the weather and water shortages to the extent that once harvested with their roots can survive a year in the wildest places, on the walls or behind doors and in the shade.
Extract the gel of the leaves
Also called Aloe vera, aloe is a succulent plant native to semi-tropical northern Africa and southern Arabia, which has spread to five continents for its wonderful medicinal properties.
It is one of the oldest and most popular vegetable known to man, so it is mentioned in ancient documents, including the New Testament, when used with other herbs for embalming.
However many people who ignore their medicinal, consider "weeds" and throw the Sahilas to arid and rocky, where many survive.
Beautiful variety of aloe, aloe aristata known as
Aggressive therapies
Aloe ferox
In the mid-70s was "rediscovered" his extraordinary healing properties for the skin and stimulating. In many U.S. hospitals is recommended aggressive therapies, such as chemotherapy and radiation, because it reduces the negative reactions of patients.
Those patients using aloe vera hair regularly pierdenel not, do not feel so bad during therapies and respond faster to treatment.
Its medicinal properties because it contains the most basic elements of life, including vitamins and minerals, proteins, polysaccharides, enzymes and amino acids.
For that reason some people drink aloe juice for physical endurance and stamina, rather than energy drinks.
The majority of aloe vera leaf is filled with a gel, which is about 99% water. The other 1% contains over 75 known nutrients, including 20 minerals, 12 vitamins, 18 amino acids, 200 compounds called phytonutrients in an active plan, enzymes and water.
Aloe arborescens
In internal and external use, aloe vera is indicated in skin diseases and infections rash (measles, mumps, rubella, herpes).
Also in diseases of the gastric and intestinal mucosa (gastritis, hyperacidity, peptic ulcer, gastrointestinal infections and inflammatory bowel diseases such as Crohn's disease, ulcerative colitis and irritable bowel syndrome) and oral mucosa (thrush, gingivitis, periodontitis, and esophageal thrush) .
It is recommended in states of immunosuppression, inflammatory arthritis and autoimmune type, tumor processes, preventing states of immunosuppression and infections, hyperglycemia and hyperlipidemia.
It is effective in the prevention of these conditions induced by ultraviolet radiation and prevention of viral respiratory infections (colds, flu, laryngitis) to induce antibody formation.
It also has anti-inflammatory activity: It inhibits the synthesis of prostaglandins and reduces migration and infiltration of leukocytes, release of histamine and leukotriene synthesis and secretion.
Tonsillitis and oral conditions
The antiinflammatory activity of the gel synergizes with other properties (cicatrizing and immunostimulant) to facilitate wound healing or against arthritic processes.
Possesses anticarcinogenic and antitumor properties, particularly in soft tissue sarcomas. The acemannan is capable of reducing tumor growth or cause regression thereof.
Aloe gel correct interleaving increases collagen fibers on the injured area due to the cell and tissue regeneration promoted by its components and the antimicrobial and anti-inflammatory effect thereof.
The administration of this plant is contraindicated in cases of developing prostatitis, cystitis and hemorrhoids.
Pregnant women should also refrain from taking it.
As an antiinflammatory agent dissolves dead cells and dull skin. It can also reduce the pain and swelling associated with muscle disorders, sprains, dislocations, tendinitis and bruises.
Salpuidos nuisances, acne or rashes can be mitigated by applying aloe vera gel for treating burns, insect bites and blisters caused by poisonous plants.
It has a property that is not yet fully understood, makes penetrate the skin and fight inflammation. This is probably the reason why many people seem to get really positive results in diseases such as arthritis.
The aloe vera or aloe contains a sunscreen that provides componetes needed to rejuvenate the skin at the cellular level, restoring softness and flexibility I had. Do not forget that when used alone can dry skin too, because its astringent.
The amazing effects of Aloe vera on the skin was "re-discovered" in the 70's and became very popular. It is now used worldwide in almost all products for skin and hair care.
The gel is an excellent moisturizer for the skin. Supplying oxygen to the cells of the skin increases the strength and the synthesis of the skin tissue. It rejuvenates the skin, moisturizes, and makes flexible.
The generic name comes from the Arabic term aloe and its synonym alloeh Hebrew halal, meaning bitter and shiny substance.
The origin of the other name by which he is known, aloe and its local variants, "aloe", "Zabila", "zabida", "zábira" and "pita Zabila" is attributed to a deformation of the Arabic word meaning plant Kabyle Espinosa.
The species of the aloes are always woody, but with typical leaves of succulent plants with sword-shaped, hard, thick, very large and fleshy, arranged in rosettes and large stout spines at their ends, armed with other smaller marginal spines, leaves can be colored green veined white, silver or green ash.
The sheets can fully close their stomata or pores to prevent loss of water by evaporation during summer periods and are able to quickly replace the epidermis when a fracture or cut on its surface.
The flowers are showy, tubular, their corollas are composed of six petals, forming floral cover and welded all together in a straight tube more often than not, and in other cases something crooked and bilabiate, sometimes with a slight widening in the clamping portion, which houses the sexual organs of the flower.
They grow about 200 species in the sunny slopes, rocky and stony places in Europe, Asia, Africa, America. It's usually easy to find in the markets of herbs and medicinal plants.
In Latin America is considered a magical plant that has the ability to protect, heal even give luck to the people who care.
It is an antioxidant and fights cancer, particularly colorectal cancer or colon cancer.
It reduces inflammation and stops, both internally and externally.
Energy oxygenates the blood and cells, moisturizes the skin and repairs skin tissue.
Aloe barbansis
Cura inside digestive problems such as irritable bowel syndrome, constipation, acid reflux - clean the intestinal tract.
Reduce the risk of strokes and heart attacks that make the blood "sticky" to "off", and increases the oxidation of the blood, and circulation.
Alkalizing the body, helping to balance the dietary habits of high amounts of acid.
It increases cardiovascular performance and physical endurance.