The serious consequences of dental deformities

Malocclusion is inadequate nutrition of modern food in years of training, which does not allow bone development necessary for the growth of wisdom teeth

Virtually everyone in the Weston A. Foundation Price are aware of the unique anthropological research by Dr. Price. In the 1930s, this comprehensive dentist devoted spent his summers studying 14 traditional cultures around the world.

In his next book "Nutrition and Physical Degeneration," Price wrote that none of these natives were vegetarians, but in each case consumed some combination of meat, offal, fish, shellfish, eggs, raw milk, cheese and butter.

The group also found that those who were not exposed to toxic and refined foods of modern civilization, demonstrating exceptionally healthy three characteristics:

1. - Hardly had cavities. Overall, the percentage was less than 0.5.
2. - They had a normal development of the facial bones and teeth, with enough room for all 32 teeth.
3. - It was noted that they were very happy and were happy with "a great sense of humor", and often have higher intelligence demonstrated.

The study compared these healthy signs of optimal mental and physical characteristics of people now: cavities are very common and are even considered by the general population as unsightly, but inevitable growth.

Similarly, the removal of wisdom teeth (third molars) is now usual and common. Almost all teenagers and young adults go through this, because almost no one has the cranial bone development and tooth development necessary to accommodate all 32 teeth.

Another aspect of the study is that the large percentage of children and adults who are prescribed SSRIs, such as Prozac, Paxil and Zoloft, clearly demonstrate that anxiety and depression in this country have become an epidemic.

Adds to this the growing number of children prescribed Adderall, Concerta and other drugs to treat AD (ADHD), ADHD (Attention Deficit Hyperactivity), and other learning and behavior problems, which clearly illustrate the serious problems being experienced by younger generations both psychologically and intellectually.

The research highlights that more and more people are becoming aware of the crucial importance of a traditional diet rich in nutrients. Largely thanks to the teachings of the Weston A. Foundation Price (WAPF) and Price-Pottenger Nutrition Foundation (PPNF).

Few people are aware that the serious consequences of the dental arch deformities that result in dental malocclusion (bad bite), are caused by modern diets that are deficient in nutrients.

This article explores this topic in depth, and provides guidelines for the prevention and treatment of dental consequences of a poor diet.

Occlusion is the way in which the upper and lower teeth fit together. The temporomandibular joint, or TMJ, is like a ball and socket, like a hinge joint, which secondarily becomes misaligned due to malocclusion, or bad bite.

Dental Malocclusion

Occlusion is the way the teeth fit top and bottom together. A malocclusion often refers to a bad bite, and occurs when the teeth do not occlude, ie not fit properly when you close your mouth. When teeth do not occlude properly, jaws then begin to move out of its normal alignment, which pulls the temporomandibular joint, jaw, out of its normal position.

This may create another closely related syndrome, well known among holistic dentists called temporomandibular dysfunction or ATM. TMJ syndrome can also develop from trauma, such as accidents or injuries to the head, or "whipping" of the head where the ligaments are stretched and discs hurting the delicate balance of the temporomandibular joint.

Causes of malocclusion:

The major cause of malocclusion is inadequate nutrition in the formative years. This is how Dr. Price demonstrated incontrovertible in the 20th century.

This poor nutrition, and the result of the subsequent dental malocclusion is the result of inadequate maternal nutrition before and during pregnancy and inadequate nutrition during lactation, or replacement of breast milk during infancy toxic formulas and growth.

Preconception and pregnancy

Once again the wisdom of our ancestors is proved correct. Price found that traditional cultures wore special diets before conception, often one or even two years before the birth.

These diets included some combination of grass-fed meats and organ meats such as liver, chicken eggs, raw milk, butter, cod liver oil, fish eggs, fermented foods (cheese, yogurt, sauerkraut, etc.), nuts, nuts and grains, fruits and vegetables.

These foods providing essential nutrients for the best development of children, such as vitamins A, D, E and K2 found in grass-fed animals, fats and Omega 3 fatty acids, found in the liver oil cod, liver and egg yolks.

Pesticides. Another pernicious influence on the normal development of the jaw and the tooth is the extensive use of pesticides, insecticides and other toxic chemicals from the Second World War.

These substances have a dual effect, both on the level of nutrients from the mother and developing baby's health. Unfortunately, few efforts have been made in the investigation of this matter and an appropriate longitudinal research (long term studies) to accurately measure the full effect of these chemicals in the tooth and bone growth would be very costly. Certainly, chemical companies are not interested.

However, there is some evidence that these chemicals research contribute greatly deformed bones and teeth. In a study conducted in Ireland, the use of fungicides to combat potato blight in the 1980s was associated with a high incidence of various physical malformations, including facial and skeletal deformities in babies.

In another study of six years, published in Wise Traditions (Wise Traditions), it was found that herbicides and fungicides were guilty of causing severe bone and tooth disorder in horses, deer, elk, antelope, birds and other animals.

This study was conducted in Bitterroot, Montana, identifying numerous malformations including overbites (buck teeth), prognathism (bulldog appearance), crooked teeth, and palate.

One explanation is that the pesticides used in our largely stores of vitamin A, which is very important for bone formation. In fact, the toxicity of these stems from the fact that interrupt pathways of vitamin A.

Dental fillings. Ironically, another important factor that contributes to malocclusion is modern dental care. When poor diet cause tooth decay, dentists repair this hole with a filling, inlay, onlay, or crown.

These dental restorations, they range from a fill smallest to largest, a crown, not always placed at the correct height corresponding to the original tooth. When is too high, creating interference with the rest of the bite and can swat the opposing tooth and time inflame surrounding nerves, ligaments and gum tissue in both teeth.

It may also occur otherwise. That is, the dental restoration can be placed too low. In fact, to avoid the first problem of the interference of the restorations that are too high, in dental school currently many dentists are taught "spread" a little padding. Although this solves the problem of interference, after placement of various fillings "spread" the original tooth height is significantly reduced. This can eventually lead to a moderate mild malocclusion because the teeth do not occlude more, which means that do not fit properly.

Furthermore, in a vain attempt to find its initial bite, patients often begin to clench and grind their teeth, which only exacerbates the problem, further eroding the tooth height. The answer to the problem of tooth too high or too low, of course, is a well-made dental restoration (not toxic), filling, onlay or crown, a careful copy of the original tooth architecture, as accurate as possible and placed by a holistic dentist well trained and technically competent.

The great impostor. Since malocclusion and problems associated with the jaw joint, temporomandibular disorders (TMD), create such a range of changes in the body, this syndrome has been called the "great deceiver". The TMD is like many other things chronic, they also have many symptoms, such as food allergies and dysbiosis problems.

As malocclusions cause various signs and symptoms, often far away from the head and neck, many doctors who are not familiar with this syndrome do not recognize, and therefore do not give the correct diagnosis.

Autonomic failure. In a dramatic animal study in Japan, that would shake the animal lovers. Researchers sanded about 3 millimeters of the upper and lower teeth in beagle dogs (right) side of the mouth to determine the systemic effects of malocclusion.

The results were dramatic. Then each of these dogs, showed many signs of autonomic failure, including weight loss, hair loss, loss of luster in their coat, excessive salivation and tearing.

These dogs also showed significant movement and postural abnormalities including body tremors, muscle weakness, abnormal posture when sitting, inability to walk straight, and limp. Of course, pain is difficult to measure in animals, but it is very likely that these abnormal musculoskeletal signs these dogs suffer from chronic pain in joints and muscles.

Using the example of this study, individuals with shoulder pain, hip, knee or chronic back pain who have unsuccessfully tried various treatments and suspect they may have a malocclusion, should consider consulting a holistic dentist or orthodontist to see if functional appliance treatment is indicated.