When looking constantly look white teeth and a bright smile, many people invest in treatments and products that promise a positive outcome, but not always warn about risks. A common example mouthwashes are often recommended to aid hygiene, but its formulation contains elements that can damage teeth
While most contain antibacterial rinses reach places where a toothbrush can not reach, the 'bombing' numerous commercial brands do not tell us everything we need to know. Currently, there are rinses with specific functions, depending on their composition, such as for the prevention of bad breath, those containing fluorine and optimized prevent cavities and tooth calcification, among others.
However, despite promises to serve as an ally of oral health, a recent study published in the Dental Journal of Australia said that many mouthwashes have the right amount of alcohol to cause damage and to stimulate the emergence of oral cancer. This research serves to alert those seeking a perfect smile on the need to control the use of these products. Here I had some important information mouthwashes.
Alcohol-free mouthwashes are not harmless: Although these products do not contain the evils of alcohol, can also cause side effects - such as stained teeth and altered sense of taste - if used for a long time, due to the presence of ingredients such as chlorhexidine.
Not necessarily Mouthwash fights bad breath: These products can reduce halitosis, but they are not a permanent solution. If one suffers from this disease, you should consult a dentist to find out the causes of bad breath and treat them properly.
Mouthwashes not replace brushing: Although possessing specific antibacterial, these products can not be used as a substitute for the toothbrush. It is best to use it as a complement, but must be recommended by a specialist, and often cause damage if overused.
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