The most common cause of halitosis or bad breath is the breakdown of food debris that stick to the teeth.
90% of cases of bad breath is given by factors occurring in the cavity.
Therefore, it is important to brush your teeth after every meal, make mouthwashes and dental floss. The latter at least once a day.
People with misaligned teeth are most hold food between their teeth, so it is essential to be diligent in their oral health.
Same for people who wear dentures.
They should brush your tongue and reach the deepest part. In this area you can collect debris that came from the inside back of the nose.
Avoid consumption of snuff or liquor, as well as foods that cause acid reflux (the candy and soda) is a great preventative measure.
We did not have favorable results, should consult with their doctor to investigate the real causes of bad breath.
May be due to periodontitis (gingival infection), sinusitis, bronchitis, pneumonia, gastritis, gastroesophageal reflux disease or other conditions.
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