Smoking, coffee or bite your nails are some of the ways you have to learn to stop if you want to wear a clean white smile for a long time.
It is true that we associate poor dental habits to children. But bad mouth-related habits often continue and even appear over the years and this can damage your smile. Learn to control bad habits that cause your teeth do not shine at all times. Good oral hygiene is one of the key factors to look healthy teeth every day of your life. The wine and sugar are natural enemies of the teeth, control them.
Is Dr. Ivan Malagon which proposes a Decalogue that can save your teeth:
1. Smoke
Nicotine stain darkens the teeth enamel. Also can cause gum disease, which in turn loosened teeth.
Two. Drinking coffee
It's a habit that favors the appearance of stained teeth.
Three. Drinking wine
With wine, especially if it is red, we have the same problem but also can cause wear of tooth surfaces.
April. Teeth grinding or over tightened (bruxism)
This custom wears away the surface of the teeth and may even loosen. It also affects the jaw joint. Sometimes it's a habit that starts in childhood and in severe cases it is necessary to sleep with a special shield.
May. Eating foods with sugar
Not just the candy and sweets are full of sugar. Soft drinks also have a good amount, not to mention possessing acids, which affect the tooth enamel. Beware the "sugar-free foods," which are equally harmful in excess.
June. Nail biting
It is especially dangerous because it causes the teeth microtrauma (small tears) and greatly affects the jaw joint. Nor is it advisable to chew ice or pencils, as it can cause irreparable damage to teeth. Put him overcome that bad habit!
July. Using teeth as tools
This practice can lead to wear and even teeth to fracture.
August. Poor hygiene
Brushing should do it three times a day and in a vertical and circular with a soft bristle brush. We recommend using toothpaste with fluoride, dental floss and mouthwash for mouth care a rating of 10.
9. Drilling and piercings
They are very dangerous to teeth, gums and tongue. The metal of the slope can cause infections, gum disease and even tooth loss.
10. Eating chips packet
Containing starch becomes acid, and this acid can attack the teeth for up to 20 minutes.
You know, if you want to boast a perfect smile, these are the habits you should avoid.
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