Every day we are subjected to various situations that can cause stress, such as work obligations, family and personal problems.
Although often we fix them, right now in our body sequelae. Headache, fatigue, difficulty concentrating, muscle aches and stomach upset are some of the most common symptoms after a tense situation.
But did you know that stress can cause oral complications?
Maybe you've never noticed that certain oral problems may be related to times when you're nervous. However, possible causes of complications in the oral cavity is one of the main keys to treat them.
Here we show some of the most common oral problems caused by stress, so you can take appropriate precautions.
Bruxism: In short, Bruxism means clenching or grinding them without realizing it, especially at night. The constant pressure on the teeth causes them to wear out and weaken, and if not corrected in time, you may even break. Despite being a condition that is usually treated with dental specialists, their origin has little to do with oral care. According to specialists in neurology, the main cause is emotional stress such as anxiety or stress, since in this condition a person can produce deep discharging of the hormone cortisol, which modifies the body.
Caries: Similarly, and although they seem completely disconnected situations, the constant nervous moments can cause the appearance of cavities. This occurs by a kind of domino effect: stress weakens the body's defense system, causing a decrease in saliva production. Less saliva means that acids increase and directly attack the tooth enamel (the natural coating that protects them), leaving thus open the door for the entry of bacteria.
Thrush: These are small ulcers with a white or gray base and bordered in red that appear inside the mouth, sometimes in pairs or even larger numbers. While disappear in a short time, can be very annoying. Canker sores are usually caused by a virus or bacteria and often occur during periods of stress, as the body's defenses are weakened right now.
Gum disease: For the same reason, during periods of nervousness one can be subject to increased plaque, the risk of bleeding gums or gingivitis, because the body is not healthy to fight these microorganisms.
There are several ways to combat stress and not let it be too harmful consequences. If you realize you can not handle a particular situation, it's best to ask for professional help. With proper treatment you can live longer and better.
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