Wisdom teeth, those pieces with a reputation for hard

Andrew Banks is 22 years and four wisdom teeth erupted already. He did not know when it appeared never caused him pain. Instead, Alejandra, 23, only had to deal with the pain and swelling of one of their third molars. Recently, she went to a specialist for surgery dentomaxilar perform when the pain became acute and spread to his ear and head.
Alba Dr. Barrera says that all people get wisdom teeth, just that some do not realize that already sprouted because they felt when they broke the gum to erupt. "They hurt by poor position of the teeth. When third molars will come out and the permanent teeth are in bad position, there is not enough space for the third molar out, so it is better to extract. But if you are in a good position, third molars will have adequate space to erupt ".
With this agrees the specialist in orthodontics and pediatric dentistry Nan Alice Gomez. He says that "as the last tooth, which is further back, does not have enough space and that brings out in a bad position and look where space, inside or out to stay. This is called ectopic position, ie away from the normal position. "

Although they are also known as third molars, or wisdom teeth, wisdom teeth is the most popular name, and which is attributed to the age at which commonly appear (18). "At that age when people become adults and have greater ability to reason, have judgment," says Gomez Nan. Indicates that people have three molars. The first appears at age 6, the second at 12, and the third from 15, "although it is usually between 18 and 25 years and may not even show up, but to stay detained".

It states that if the wheel is is retained under the bone or gum, "is because there are mothers that give them plenty of calcium to children up to 8 or 10 years, but at that age the teeth are formed and the only one still not, but continues in stage of calcification, is the third molar. This causes the bone forms a layer around the molar part remains stagnant and erupts bone. "

Usually wisdom teeth out in succession, the two lower and then the upper two or vice versa.

In addition to severe pain, according to Gomez Nan, lack of space can also lead to crowding of the lower incisors, ie "the moves and puts them in a bad position." When it starts to erupt wisdom tooth can experience headaches, ear, pericoronitis, which is inflammation of the area where the molar will erupt, fever, swelling of the face and even infection in the area for food debris. Barrera said that when the patient has severe pain it is advisable to consult a specialist to remove the wheel, and adds that "while the third molars leave in good standing and have a good dental occlusion, not to do surgery. The piece should come out straight, down. " What happens when this does not happen? In many cases, wisdom teeth born horizontally. Technically, explains Gómez Nan, this position is called mesioangular or distoangular. If this is the case, it is better to operate because they are in a position perpendicular to the room next door (the second molar).

According to the orthodontist and maxillary surgeon Cynthia Meier, "when part of the third molar crown is affixed to the second molar asepsis is more complicated and cause cavities by food debris that are housed in that space." With her Nan Gomez matches. "You can generate caries because food is packaged in the absence of good hygiene in the area."

The three experts say that of the four wisdom teeth to erupt are the lower two biggest problems that trigger. Barrera said that if the third molar has a suitable position can make a simple extraction without suturing. But this depends on the specialist. In her case, she prefers always suture "for the patient to have the convenience of eating good food and not have the risk of debris from entering the cavity."

Meanwhile, Meier defines the problem: "In the upper jaw bone is less compact and easier removal. In contrast, the lower jaw being in the jaw, which is the only mobile bone head is much stronger, more compact bone and the tooth can not easily get out. " While Nan Gomez says that having a closed space for sprouting below are what cause major problems. Like Barrera argues that it is always necessary to suture to prevent the entry of food scraps, "although upper wisdom teeth, to have better position and space, are used to extract average". This means that it is necessary to take points.

Third molar surgery requires cutting knife and sometimes even break the bone or having to sever and remove the piece in parts, adds. Therefore, who is required to remove a surgeon dentomaxilar.

When inflammation and pain is best treated with analgesics or anti-inflammatories for these diminish, because when there is swelling anesthesia usually not have the same result. However, Barrera notes that "if the pain is unbearable for the patient, we must intervene urgently". As post-intervention treatment, the dentists recommend patients take a soft diet, rest at least two days, eating cold drinks and taking prescribed painkillers.
The time it takes a third molar surgery is fifteen minutes to an hour and a half, depending on the severity of the case.

After surgery is recommended to prevent bleeding rest, not smoking, taking anti-inflammatory, no physical activity and apply cold compresses or ice packs.
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