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» First visit to the dentist: When and how?
Experts recommend a first visit early to avoid the 'sin' associate the dentist with a bad experience
Dealing with new and unfamiliar things (especially if it is sitting in a barber chair or a dentist) is always an adventure to the 'sin' of the house, which sometimes can reach suponerles a small 'trauma' unless we take appropriate measures. For this reason and to avoid tears and unpleasant experiences, experts recommend that children first visit to the dentist as soon as possible: neither 1 nor 2 and the 'sin' should visit the dentist for the first time after the age of three years, and always as a routine visit or 'check', before there is a problem.
The first contact of the children with their dentist should be linked to something nice (where possible), so do not associate chair clinic and specialist with aggression or negative or painful experience. From there, experts recommend regular visits: two a year will be sufficient to detect any problems that the 'sin' may arise in their baby teeth, and, usually, at this age, usually, mostly, the dreaded cavities. And this is the primary dental pathology that may occur during the first years of life, although it is unlikely to appear if we care: Normally, only children with a genetic predisposition or poor oral hygiene develop cavities can begin after age 4 years.
The way to 'combat' from almost the cradle: teach to maintain proper hygiene habits from 2 years, a balanced diet, low in sweets and treats, and the regular intake of fluoride, which strengthened from 'little ones' tissue their permanent teeth, whose mineralization begins practically at birth.