First I want to apologize to the followers of the blog. Many have said that blog has "stopped working". This is partly true, but it has a correspondence with what has happened to me: The disease has ceased to worry me, I just take care of her.
4 Years after that fateful morning where I went out with palpitations and a near panic attack that pseudo dentistry clinic named "Bono" by HEALTH serving in Punjab (BS AS), I'm fine. It was not because of her, it was not because of any particular dentist was because of me.
I could say that the first 2 years from quedetectaron were terrible disease. Do not tell anyone I wanted, I was afraid that I would fall teeth, he read everything that came out. So I thought it should be a self-help group (and I still think, especially when one is diagnosed recently). I was ignoring the concerns slowly to start to take care of the disease. I did the initial cleaning, I learned to brush my teeth properly, flossing, I learned the color of a gum, learned the smell of decay, I learned that in addition to the teeth there are other things in life.
I learned also that dentistry is often a trade. That many professional associations dealing only give "new techniques" to dentists, but few care about the patient's mood. I learned that if you atiendess a dental clinic, probablemnte no more than 15 minuitos to assist you, I learned that they're little more than a number, a fee. Ultimately I learned that no one but you yourself will take care of you. And you're a tool impresindible, your smell.
Do not be satisfied with the dentist you conmvence play if you do not, change it. Variios Esucha diagnoses until you feel you are in the right. Look, listen, watch the news. Many times if you abide by a professional not updated you will lose the new forms and methods. WHY HAVE NOT LOSE A SINGLE TOOTH, but it give attendance.
Today I wrote to Maria Jose, a Spanish woman who is a little scared with the topic. She was consulted me and dentures. She is the example of the desperation, and she is not alone. At first I thought so too: and it is a fact, in the worst case we will use a nice dentures, until we can choose the color of it, if we have a crooked tooth, or if we are prominent canines, that's what happen in the worst case. Think for a moment, you are using a white dentures, can sonrreir without thinking more, so terrible would it be?
I'm not saying let be, just telling you this so do not despair.
More and more techniques. I said that in Japan and Cuba give birth to new teeth with stem cells, but until now done on animals. Maybe in 10 or 20 years and is made in humans. Eye, our problem is not just the tooth, is the cartilage that holds the tooth (periodontal tissue) but also seguramnete discover something.
Or maybe the world will end on December 21, 2012, and from heaven you will laugh when you see how worried you were about to lose a tooth, when you came to losing was life.
In short, this is a reflection that I hope help you. In short I say do not worry and get busy. In the worst case, what might happen? And if that happens, how terrible would it be?
I understand that the diagnosis is a blow, but there are worse things. Many dentists still laugh when I that I have this blog, and I get many visitors (approximately 12 thousand per month), and laugh at the preoupacion the patient. They are ... other species, rare, only see the teeth. You see the set, and you should make it count. Each time you go to the consultation ask him anything you want, and if you do not understand something tell them! "Your words are very technical, I'm no dentist, you can explain it any other way?". It is not a matter of what you can find, is du RIGHT TO HEALTH AND INFORMATION, and must enforce it.