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» Some risks of dental implants
Some risks of dental implants
Dental implants are the perfect choice to correct any sort of accident at the mouth. But like any medical procedure, there are risks.
Mainly you have to take into account smoking patients, diabetics, hypertensives, and specifically, bone quality, age of the patient and their oral health.
According to Juan Carlos Reyes, maxillo-facial surgeon dentist, dental implants are not as simple as some professionals think, as presented commercially as if they were buying a car or an appliance. "
"These solutions are aesthetic, functional and systemic involvement, where before giving you an estimate to the patient, it warrants a diagnostic evaluation and planning of the specialist to ensure long-term success," said Reyes.
Emphasizes that the objective and independent of patient expectations is the professional responsibility to inform the risk factors that can influence a possible failure. If the patient does not have these risk factors and the professional meets the surgical protocol spoken to 98% of the success of dental implant surgery.
Smokers and diabetics: It has been shown that there is an increased risk of dental implant failure in smokers than in nonsmokers, and this is because the cigarette reduces or vascularization (blood flow through the gums and bone) and, therefore, slows the healing of tissues, affecting the bone-implant fusion.
In diabetics is recommended glycemic stabilizing and reducing stress protocol. Patients uncontrolled diabetes are at high risk to fail implants by delayed wound healing.
Age and hypertension: Implants are contraindicated in very elderly patients (cachexia) in children and adolescents who have not completed their craniofacial growth.
For hypertensive patients, the most important thing is to stabilize your blood pressure, so it is vital interconsultation your cardiologist. It is also important protocol stress minimization.
Bone thickness should be no less than 3.5 to 6 millimeters, depending on the location or part which is to be implanted, if less than 3.5 mm in some situations it is necessary to use bone-grafting technique, otherwise the implant can fail.