What if I have Bruxism?

Bruxism refers to grinding or clenching teeth involuntarily. In this section we have already talked about this, but this time we give you some recommendations to not clench your teeth.
Bruxism?? If you're currently gritting his teeth and you had not noticed, you suffer from this condition. Unconsciously, and because of the tension in the jaws, many people clench or grind their teeth, even at night.
Sometimes Bruxism may be mild and do not need treatment. But if severe, or occurs too often is bad for your health because it can cause jaw problems, headaches, and of course, can damage and wear your dientes.Si suffer from bruxism, maybe your dentist will realize the state of your teeth or they will tell you cause symptoms. There are certain steps you can take to prevent clenching or grinding the teeth, which are related to its causes.
For example, if stress is what causes you to tighten your teeth and gnashing do, then you should look for ways to relax and cope. You can ask your doctor about relaxation techniques to get rid of stress, such as exercising, going to therapy, yoga or meditation and sometimes even take medication to relax your muscles. If you pull your teeth at night without realizing it, your dentist will probably tell you to use a protective barrier or splint (which can be tailored) to care for your teeth. These barriers covering the teeth in its entirety, and resemble those used by athletes to protect your teeth from damage caused by contact or blows.
But besides all this, there are some ways to keep your teeth and squeeze them causes long-term damage. These tips can help:
Avoid excessive alcohol as bruxism tends to intensify when I eat.
No biting pens, pencils or anything that is not food. Nor eat chewing gum, all the time, because that way you're used to your jaw and your teeth to have to be munching frequently.
Avoid eating foods and drinks that contain caffeine, which can stimulate your muscles because they produce adrenaline. Some examples of these foods include: chocolate, coffee and sodas.
Try to become aware of when you are gritted teeth. When you realize you're doing, relax your jaw and put your tongue between your front teeth to relax your muscles.

If your bruxism occurs during the night, practice relaxation techniques before bedtime. You can take a hot bath, massaging gently breathe and jaw (right where they meet, near the ear) with a cloth dipped in warm water. If you follow these tips, maybe you can give a hand to care for your teeth. It is good to remember that bruxism in most adults have origins or psychological causes. Stress, anxiety, your level of aggression, hyperactivity or if you're very competitive, influence your jaws and other parts of your body are made tense.

In children, bruxism occurs when the jaw are developing and they are teething. But usually this condition them is transient and disappears during adolescence.

Talk to your dentist (dentist) so you know if you are unconsciously clenched teeth. Between the two solutions can help you care for and preserve your teeth and prevent wear. Say no to stress and bruxism say goodbye!
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