Top Dentistry Myths Exposed

Dental whitening weakens excessively your teeth, if your gums are bleeding you should not brush because you’ll worsen the situation, halitosis occurs because you do not brush your teeth like you should, and dental pain is relieved if you apply an aspirin directly on it. What’s the true explanation of these myths?

Whitening the teeth will make them weaker

Completely false. Dental bleaching is acting upon the pigmentation of the tooth, not its structure. If you are using the bleaching products exactly as per the instructions, you will not harm your teeth. Through bleaching you are changing the natural pigmentation (color of the tooth).
The stains will be removed, and you will reveal a much brighter and whiter set of teeth. However, if you are bleaching your teeth excessively and will remove more of the natural pigmentation of the tooth, they will start becoming translucent. This doesn’t mean that the dental enamel is weakened, only that the color of the tooth is changed.
Indeed, excessive dental whitening can easily lead to teeth which are more sensitive, or gums which are irritated. You should not be afraid that through bleaching you will weaken the structure of our tooth, you only should be careful not to overdo it with whitening products to avoid sensitive teeth.

Bleeding gums – does brushing make worse?

No, this is just another dental myth. Bleeding gums is a sign that something is wrong with your oral health. There’s too much plaque deposit, and food particles which were not eliminated started an infection. Thus, your gums first became slightly irritated and swollen, and a after some time bleeding occurs.
In order to stop successfully the bleeding, you need to respect a special dental health regimen, which involves brushing with a soft bristled brush (gentle dental brushing is important), using the dental floss and using an antibacterial mouthwash. You will see that bleeding will eventually give up, because now you maintain a proper oral health regimen.

I have bad breath- it is probably because I am not brushing properly

Again, not true. Halitosis, or bad breath is not always the sign of poor oral hygiene. Bad breath can be caused by the foods you consume (onion, garlic), but it can also be caused as a side effect of certain prescription medications.
Some of the medications which can lead to bad breath include antidepressants (such as Prozac), antihistamines, digestive medications, angina relief medication, or meds for high blood pressure.

My tooth aches- I should apply an aspirin on it

This is quite a popular myth, according to which if you will put crushed aspirin onto your gums and on the tooth which hurts, you will get pain relief. Actually, aspirins are made only for swallowing, because you will not “put” aspirin on your temples when you’ve got a headache. The aspirin is absorbed through the digestive system, and only this way will it have a pain relieving effect.
In fact, there have been many instances in which patients with toothache applied aspirin on the gums, and they managed to burn their gums and lips (this is an acidic chemical type of burn done by the medication).