Adult orthodontics is possible, treatment can last up to two years

Require utmost care treatments and tests to be carried deep specialists. This takes time, so do not be fooled when they offer immediate solutions.

The advancement of techniques, development of new materials and increasing life expectancy, to align the teeth even in old age.

Adult orthodontics is slower and dangerous than young people, because you can not make all desired movements in the teeth by risk of adverse effects, such as loss of or injury to the teeth.

In the past two decades, people increasingly older, even over 50 years, frequently requested by the advance of techniques, development of new materials and also because increasing life expectancy, people are days want to look better.

Initially, it was the parents who saw their children, were sent to straighten teeth. After the people were facing a divorce, wanted to improve her smile to start a new relationship as a couple.

The difficulty, in these cases, is assimilated to be taken a number of devices inside the mouth, which are annoying and will remain for a long time.

That runs directly counter to the habits and even against body image.

Overcome this, it is important and a thorough evaluation of the condition of all teeth, and health status of the entire oral cavity (gums, palate, tonsils, bone ...), which require radiological examinations performed, tomographic photographic and anthropometric condition of the body. What is not done in one day.

So, begin to doubt those who offer immediate solutions.

The next step is to plan exactly on the actual characteristics of each people what you want and what you can achieve. It is important to know that not everything is possible and that perfect smiles, Hollywood style, perhaps, are not possible.

This is valuable to clarify that not everything that is to be accomplished with brackets or braces. Since the bones of adults do not grow as the children, in some cases it may be necessary to combine orthodontic surgery to achieve the ultimate goal, even missing teeth. In many cases, adult orthodontics is done with the ultimate goal of placing a good prosthesis, requiring correct the position of residual teeth remain in the mouth for optimal results. That even if you think of implants.

Some warnings

Treatments should be done by professionals accredited by the respective scientific society.

Avoid braces application if there is bone loss diagnosed radiographically obvious dental or disabled.

Chronic smokers should undergo deeper tests before starting treatment, because of the risk of having major injuries, even tumors.

Exact times should be set clear goals and treatment that should be evaluated periodically.

Faced with mild signs of infection, permanent pain did not subside with conventional treatments, the intervention should be reconsidered.

Subsequent controls should be regular, hopefully every 25 days, in order to look at the strength of the teeth and their orientation.

Being uncertain, refrain from initiating treatment.