5 little-known tips for healthy teeth

Did you know that 90% of Mexicans have cavities and that 7 of every 10 suffers some oral disease? Here amazing 5 recommendations to care your denture.
One of the main health problems that affect the population in Mexico are oral diseases, like cavities or the periodontitis. De agreement with the Secretariat of Health, 90% of Mexicans have cavities and 7 of every 10 suffers some other disease buccal.

Addition, is estimated that up to 80% of the population over 30 years suffers periodontitis, that is a bacterial infection that inflames the gum and the tissues surrounding the tooth. This condition can generate bone loss around the teeth, causing their detachment. How to avoid it?
There various habits that you can develop to maintain your mouth and your teeth healthy and strong. Therefore the image specialist, Ximena de la Parra, share five basic recommendations and economic that will make your smile the best presentation card:

1. Changes the coffee by green tea

Take a cup of green tea a day prevents harmful bacteria from sticking to teeth and blocks the production of a type of sugar that contributes to the formation of caries. Tea also contains a lot of fluorine and an antioxidant that prevents the bacterium periodontal, that causes inflammation in the gums.

Two. The power of the apple

Los benefits of eating apple are well known either by the great contribution of fiber to the diet or that is ally of heart. But one of his qualities less known is prevention of caries and cleaning of the teeth. This is due to that chewing an apple increases saliva flow and neutralizes acids the mouth, thanks to its high water content since is a fruit antiseptic.

Three. Goodbye to the myth of chicle

Contrary to popular belief, gums sugarless chewing help to remove plaque dentobacteriana. Additional chewing gums containing Recaldent strengthen teeth and reduce caries incidence to chew by 20 minutes. The Recaldent is an ingredient milk derivative and lactose free that at be added to chewing gums sugarless achieves cicatrize early lesions of caries in enamel when staying in the plate during 3 hours after chewing.

April. Without omelets no paradise

The body requires an average amount of 1,200 milligrams of calcium daily. If not consumed a sufficient amount, the organism is forced to extract it of the bones and weakens them, favoring to osteoporosis and the periodontitis. A traditional omelette has between 350 and 400 milligrams of calcium, by what your consumption without excess brings the amount needed to keep teeth strong. May. Not forget the yogurt

The yogurt is composed of probiotics that help strengthen the digestive. But that's not all, but that these organisms also prevent dental infections and in the gums, thanks to its strength properties against pathogenic organisms. The recommendable thing is to consume yogurt without sugar.

Importantly previous recommendations do not replace to activities that you must perform to keep your mouth healthy, like brushing the teeth 3 times daily, flossing before brushing teeth as well as periodically visit the dentist.

With these simple tips, not only will fortify your teeth but also your self-esteem, safety and success.
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