Another detail beneficial consumption, little known, is that cause cavities. Having a perfect smile dental care requires primarily, but can also help a concern for the food we eat. Tooth decay is the main problem of the teeth, to preserve dental health should not miss the annual visits to the dentist and a complete oral hygiene including the use of fluoride.
There are certain products that contribute to tooth decay. Addition also affects product characteristics, being more corrosive those who stay glued to the teeth. Saliva helps remove food debris teeth cleaning, why studies have confirmed that chewing sugarless gum after meals reduces the risk of tooth decay. Sweeteners, not be fermented by bacteria in the mouth does not cause tooth decay, and they include aspartame, cyclamate, acesulfame, sucralose, sorbitol or saccharin.
In recent years in Europe the number of caries has declined, both in adults and in children, concern for dental hygiene is more developed and teach our children to brush their teeth at an earlier age. The use of fluoride is also one of the fundamental elements in the reduction of dental problems. Other tips to prevent tooth decay and improve our dental health pass for visiting the dentist at least once a year, flossing and avoid eating and drinking continuously, as this affects our production of saliva. Following these tips can wear a perfect smile.
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