Most people want to wear a bright, healthy smile, and for that we should maintain good oral health. What many do not realize is that caring smile is not only frequently brushing, bleaching or oral hygiene care.
The foods we eat affect the color of teeth as most of these contain substances that can stain or bleach them.
Food Beverage intense color and are often the most stain teeth, are usually contain a substance called chromogen, which has the ability to adhere to tooth enamel and stain your teeth.
Here the list of foods that damage the cosmetic dentistry, Ideally not leave, but keep in mind what not to commit excesses.
Wine is perhaps the most stained teeth. It may be good for your heart, but bad for the smile. Red wine is one of the worst opponents of white teeth, as it has a triple attacker to enamel: acid chromogens and tannins. The tannic acid may corrode the enamel, allowing the color filter into the teeth. These substances work together have the ability to turn white teeth to a shade of red in no time.
Coffee and tea are also great enemies of the teeth, these are full of chromogens and tannins. Tooth enamel or outer layer is very porous, and thus the "dark drinks" are big bright smile threats because they can leak and cause permanent stains. The acidic juices can also be a threat, since they lead to enamel erosion.
Fruits and vegetables despite being very healthy for the body, intense color should be consumed in moderation if you want to maintain a bright white smile. They contain substances adhering to enamel and citrus such as orange and grapefruit, contain citric acid producing enamel erosion.
Sauces and generate acne problems also seep into the tooth enamel which eventually cause unwanted coloration. As the candy containing mostly red or blue dyes. These shades make sweets a lot more fun, but also can promote tooth color.
And the snuff is undoubtedly the most important factor in generating yellowing teeth, besides being harmful to health. Yellow pigmentation is because nicotine is directly adhered to the enamel.
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