Do you think that your mouth is working properly?

Dr. Carlos Mas, oral prosthetic rehabilitation specialist (conventional and implant prostheses), corrects the functional problems of the mouth
To find out if your mouth is working properly we explore four things: the teeth, skull mandibular joint, muscles of the head and neck and the secretion of saliva. We say that the function is correct or physiological when no dental problems or muscle or joint and no dry mouth. We say that the mouth is not working properly or is pathological when dental problems (fractures, wear) and / or muscle problems (pain) and / or cranio-mandibular joint problems (decreased range of motion, noise or clicks) and / or mouth dry.
What problems does the patient with pathological oral function? Fundamentally are patients with smaller teeth for prosthetic restoration desgaste.Su is complicated by having little tooth structure due to wear extrusions secondary teeth, there is little room to restore. In these cases it is necessary to increase the height of the lower third of the face, which vertically denominamos'Dimensión 'but aesthetically haymuchos cases can and have to use surgery or orthodontics, complicating treatment.

They are also patients who can fracture ceramic prostheses, implants, restorations and their own teeth. Thus, patients with pathological function are more difficult to treat the bruxism or clenchers, being an autonomic nervous system problem, or grind tightened unconsciously. In these patients, it is necessary to use plates plates should be explored oclusales.Estas periodically to consider whether there is any pattern of wear on them. Regarding occlusal splints, not the same occlusal plate to try problemasmusculares, joint, or protection of teeth or dentures.

Carlos Mas is oral prosthetic rehabilitation specialist (conventional prostheses and implants) work done to the front of the Adult Integrated Dental Center Dr. Carlos Mar Bermejo located in Plaza Fuensanta 2 (Building Hispania), in Murcia. Carlos Mas a degree in Medicine and Surgery from the University of Murcia and specialist in dental, Oral Prosthetic Rehabilitation and functional problems in boca.Además Spear is a member of Digital Campus since 2012, Eucación recognition program continued designated by the Academy of General Dentistry, and Professor of Master and Expert in Periodontics and Implant Dentistry at the School of Seville.

Tooth wear

The dental wear suggests a role patológica.Una worn teeth can be due to two causes, chemistry or physics. Chemical wear is caused by the presence of acids in the mouth and is called erosion. The origin of these acids can be external (acids in the diet, citrus, carbonated beverages, energy drinks) or internal (GERD, bulimia). Depending on the location of wear can diagnose the etiology. The physical origin is wear due to attrition (tooth rubbing against tooth) or abrasion (scrubbing teeth with abrasive agents).

Why rechinamos compress and teeth? The scientific evidence tells us that it is for three reasons: restricted movement problems (narrow maxilla lamandíbula can only make small lateral and anteroposterior) parafunctional problems (poorly positioned teeth, interfering with mandibular closure) or by stimuli nervous system is what is known as bruxism.

This may be night or day. The latest research suggests that nighttime bruxism occurs due to micro ervioso autonomous system stimulations causing músculosmasticatorios rhythmic activity, autonomic activity peaks of the respiratory system and cardiac system are repeated 8-14 times per hour during sleep . The study by ELDR. Huynh, University of Montreal (2006) shows how, alpha-2 agonists (pre synaptic sympatholytic) reduce bruxism in 61% of patients in the study (14 of 16).

The prevalence of severe tooth wear, according to research conducted by Dr Van't Spiiker A. Holland, is 3% at age 20 years and 17% at age 70. This means that 1 in 33 patients 20 years and 1 in 6 patients 70 years have severo.Otra wear interesting research was performed by Dr. Lavigne Montréal (2003), who studied the frequency of bruxism per hour per day for a period of months to 7.5 years. Nocturnal bruxism (grinding or rubbing) occurred every day in all patients, varying in frequency per hour. Another large study relates the serotonin inhibitor drugs used in psychiatry as antidepressants, which are associated with increased nocturnal bruxism.

Muscle problems

Should be explored by palpation looking for sore spots, nudosmusculares that indicate excessive muscle activity. Muscles that open and close the mouth, head muscles that move the postura.De ymantienen particular relevance are the pains related to eyebrow, mandibular angle, around the eye, around and in front of the ear, in the ear, neck, sternum, cheek , widespread pain in molars and teeth. They are called trigger points or activators oTrigger Points.Hay headaches or headaches that are caused by muscle problems, head and neck and its origin is in the cranio-cervical poor posture or muscle problems of this region. Headaches are listed on waking.

Sometimes you may see symptoms such as ringing or tinnitus hearing and dismissed the problem once vértigos.Una by ENT specialist should be explored by dentist or dentist with experience in these functional problems. The therapist provides great help, being in many cases essential treatment in collaboration with us.

Saliva problems

Saliva performs functions of the mouth such as chewing, swallowing, speech and sensory functions, is the first defensive barrier and prevents bacterial, viral and fungal, helps in the digestive process, neutralizes acids, protects teeth from decay and protecting the integrity of the mucosa of the mouth. Therefore we can summarize their roles in lubrication, protection, buffer capacity, maintenance of tooth integrity, antibacterial, taste and digestion What symptoms appear in a dry mouth or Xerostomia? Sticky, dry feeling in the mouth, need to drink water frequently, difficulty speaking, tasting, chewing, swallowing, burning sensation, dry and cracked lips, dry and rough tongue, sores or canker sores, difficulty wearing dentures, acute infections such as caries, periodontal disease, burning in the oral mucosa and tongue.

Xerostomia occurs Porel drug use, anxiety, diabetes, cancer therapies (chemotherapy, radiotherapy) autoimmune diseases (Sjögren, Lupus), mouth breathing and sleep apnea, drugs, snuff, alcohol, aging and menopause. I will focus on drug-induced Xerostomías dependent lamedicación prescribed by general health problems at some point in our lives. Drugs used in psychiatry as antidepressants (Serotonin antagonist) also cause bruxism xerostomia, anxiety, drugs used in neurology as anticonvulsants, Antiparkinson; drugs used in cardiology as antihypertensives, diuretics Pneumology used as bronchodilators, decongestants, and antihistamines used in allergy, and other medications comoAnorexígenos (weight loss), sedatives and anti-diabetic. If you have cambiadola medication, tell your dentist as it may appear this kind of problem.

Joint Problems

Joint problems puedenser condyle (degeneration), disco (moved or perforated), septic (degeneration), posterior ligament (tear, elongation), capsule (capsulitis), muscle inserted pterigoideolateral by disk and be responsible for the movement of the haciadelante jaw and sides (contracture) and retrodiscal tissue (retrodiscitis). Symptoms include decreased range of motion, joint pain to tighten or move, deviation of the mandible and noise (clicks) when opening or closing the mouth.
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