Dental implants have become the first choice of treatment when missing one, several or all teeth in the patient's mouth.
These reported numerous advantages to be the option that most closely resembles a natural tooth today. There are different types of dentures that are supported with dental implants, from single tooth or several teeth structures to removable dentures, which being retained dental implants eliminate the movements that often accompany this prosthesis design, being much more stable and comfortable for the patient.
Before implant treatment is imperative that the specialist conduct a comprehensive study of each case help of 3D radiological tests to determine the patient's bone conditions, and when necessary, plan bone regeneration techniques, ensuring the patient to place a dental implant predictably appropriate measures. This study should include a complete inspection of the state of the patient's gums, because if there is a problem in them, bacteria that are crucial in the development of periodontal disease, will act on the implants favoring immediate failure or the appearance over time of troubles in the implants. After the treatment and placed the prosthesis on the implant, it is necessary to follow a program of maintenance and overhaul, since the implant runs the risk of mucositis or peri-implantitis in the most advanced cases, which is inflammation of the gums that exists around the implant, resulting in loss of the implant if not treated early.
Mucositis occurs as a consequence of poor plaque control and hygiene, gingivitis like a tooth, and is characterized by inflammation of the gum around the implant, bad taste in mouth, redness and bleeding, but still existing bone below the gum has not been affected. When mucositis persists and untreated can progress to the peri, which together with the symptoms of mucositis, is accompanied by loss of bone around the implant, causing possible loss of it and the general involvement of the health status of the patient. The health of the gums is very important for the proper maintenance of oral health, which is why when a dental implant or teeth are periodontally affected with peri or periodontitis respectively, need to be treated quickly to prevent loss thereof.
There are numerous scientific publications have demonstrated that at present a very high percentage of dental implants or suffering from mucositis periimplantitis, not follow a proper maintenance program. In short, the success of a prosthesis on implants in the long term will depend on proper planning and good maintenance.
In Clinical Dieguez, Multidisciplinary Center for Dentistry, performed to all patients requiring dental implants a complete study prior treatment becoming predictable and safe. When finished, it follows a program of periodic reviews, with the intention to detect any problems that may arise with the passage of time and to intercept alterations that can shorten your long-term treatment.
If you need to replace your missing teeth, or is suspected to have dental implants and gum problems by developing bleeding, swelling, bad breath or tooth mobility, please consult Dieguez Clinic, will treat you in a personalized and recommend which is the best treatment option that interests you without any compromise.
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