"You do not have cavities, but it is likely that your teeth are leaks and so hurt," said Dr. Stella Maris Arévalo de Merlo, dentist.
To learn more about this condition and appropriate treatment in these cases profesional.El chatted with pain is one of the causes leading to a greater number of patients to the query, hence the relief or removal is a goal of science medical. The correct diagnosis of the cause of the pain should be conducted to provide the basis for effective treatment.
The first action consists of a thorough clinical examination to detect and remove if any factors that may cause dental pain such as active carious lesions, dental interference when closing the mouth, infection of the dental pulp, among others.
It is very important that the dental surgeon discard the changes mentioned above, in order to clearly identify the source of pain and thus treat it properly.
Currently, dental hypersensitivity is frequent complaint and is a condition that affects everyone at some point in their lives.
It is a sharp, painful sensation brief in response to various external stimuli. These stimuli can be thermal (food or drinks hot or cold), chemical (acid or sweet substances) or mechanical (brushing, etc..).
It is estimated that one in four adults (affecting 25% of the population) suffer from dental hypersensitivity, this affects patients between 25 and 45. There are, however, certain high-risk groups: people who brush their teeth vigorously, patients with gingival recession, those undergoing periodontal treatment, bulimic individuals with xerostomia, severe malocclusions that cause periodontal problems or abnormal exposures necks teeth.
The gingival recession exposing the necks of the teeth occur due to excessive trauma that support the teeth due to interference and bruxism (grinding, rubbing or grinding teeth).
There are several factors that predispose to hypersensitivity, these include dental fractures and microfractures, which expose the dentinal tubules, tiny tubes that form the structure of the teeth, responsible for carrying sensations to the teeth.
Attack the tooth
Associated hypersensitivity abrasion from tooth brushing has many factors ranging from the rigidity of the filaments of the toothbrush and the roundness of the tip, to the strength, duration and frequency of brushing, which are considered important factors to take into account when studying the type of injury sustained.
When performing improper brushing before or immediately after eating or drinking acidic, tooth sensitivity can be accelerated by the mechanical action of brushing with toothpaste on the exposed surfaces that have been softened.
Even minimal contact of a toothbrush with the tooth surface can cause severe pain, which is not only uncomfortable, but induces the abandonment of proper oral hygiene.
Brushing on a generating exposed dentine tubules open, while maintaining and trigger hypersensitivity in this area.
In turn, it can also cause the formation of a cavity which increases the deepening tubule diameter tooth, favoring increased sensitivity.
Abrasion prosthesis retainers or hooks. It has been shown that the effect of the prosthesis does not cause abrasion, but the retention of food at that level and the formation of acids.
Hypersensitivity associated with dental erosion is a consequence of the loss of dental hard tissue surface promoted by the action of acids from other sources that are not bacteria dental plaque biofilm. West et al in 2001 reported that frequent consumption of phosphoric acid in soft drinks content produces more erosion in the dental structures.
A drinks such hydrocolloids are added, magnesium, calcium citrate, calcium phosphate fluoride, and to try to reduce the formation of the enamel erosive lesions, however, have failed to completely prevent the occurrence of this condition. Individuals who consume a liter of soda a day could lose a millimeter of enamel within 2-20 years.
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